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Little preschool African child painting


~with the Holy Spirit as the Inner Teacher~

From time to time we are blessed with a glimpse into the interior spiritual life of the child. In the unstructured time following a scripture or liturgical presentation, the child spends time with the materials and in art expression. "This is the moment when the child, in the inner dialogue [with the Holy Spirit] personalizes what has been presented and applies it to his own life." - Sofia Cavalletti, Religious Potential of the Child.

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"A Million Reasons"

A six-year-old child makes a booklet, calling it "A Million Reasons."

This title came after pondering the greatest tenet of our faith, Christ’s death and resurrection..



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"A Million Reasons"

...the celebration of this salvific truth in the Liturgy of Light...

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"A Million Reasons"

...and the Kingdom of Heaven in this tracing of a hand holding a pearl.

Catechists: If you have children's theological prayer work to submit, please ask parents to complete the permission form. The artwork should show some theological insight and/or synthesis of themes. Please include an explanation with the submission.

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