The greatest need of Canada's children is the need for God. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Association of Canada is committed to meeting this need by forming CGS catechists and helping to establish CGS atria. Our country is vast! The demand for CGS is great. Who will join us in our mission? Nominations are now open for one position on our CGSAC Board of Directors. We welcome nominations of all individuals who may feel called to join us in this great work which has changed the lives of so many. Some areas of particular need include:
commitment to the mission of CGS
the ability to join monthly meetings
written and oral communications skills
fundraising experience
technical competence with computers and/or website management
Most essentially, CGSAC is seeking an individual who loves CGS and has a strong desire to introduce it to others. If you know of someone who fits this description, please consider nominating them for the board by following the link below. If that someone is you, ask a friend to nominate you. On the job training will be provided! 😉 Deadline for nominations is August 31st!
