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Pentecost Prayer

Hello, good people!

In celebration of Pentecost this year, we will once again be praying together over Zoom. This year we will have the illumination of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-12) from the Saint John's Bible to aid our prayer.

The combined work of Maria Montessori and the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd has taught us the importance of the prepared environment as an aid to prayer. Dr. Leonard DeLorenzo of the McGrath Institute for Church Life (Notre Dame University) describes the Saint John's Bible as not just a book, but an environment prepared over decades. With the illumination of Pentecost, we will be able to enter an environment for an encounter wth God, even over Zoom!

In the spirit of Pentecost, we invite you all, members and non-members alike, to join with us in prayer on:

May 19, 2021

8:30 pm Eastern, 5:30 pm Pacific

To receive the Zoom link, please register for Pentecost prayer.

Please also consider whether you would like to be one of a multitude of voices reading a sentence for our call to prayer and/or our commissioning at the end of prayer. You may read the line in English, or translate it into your native/favourite language. If you are interested, please contact

We hope to see you on May 19!

God bless you.


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